June 27, 2011

yeah, it's settled

No more customs for me...

My employees however (love saying that!!!), can and will make them for me though.
Me, not gonna do it ever again.
Thank you and have a great day.

Cutting out appliques....looking for willing participants who can do it well.
Me, don't have time, I'd rather pay someone else to prep them.

Future lines. Still headed your way. We will have at least 2 fall lines including one with OWLS!!! (yeah!) and one with fairies (hooray!) with knit fabrics too :)

Halloween, I'm planning on a few sets, though I'm not sure of customs until I get a response from the samples first. (oohhh, but I won't be doing the customs...my employees will Whoo hoo!!!) so order away.

Christmas...lots of goodies in store....still in planning process, but there will definitely be something you love, if not all of it ;)

OOAK's, customs, samples, sales, and who knows what else.
Oh, and don't forget about
"~*~*~ ShadowDragon Dream's 2011 Royal Holiday Ball ~*~*~"
Oh yeah, this is gonna be FUN!

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