January 21, 2010

Why can't I do graphics?

Oh dear! I thought to myself as I pictures a crazy beautiful amazing logo in my head.... I loved it and now it's stuck there. Yeah I could paint it (on a wall) but on a computer, most likely not...ugh
Maybe if I had time to teach myself I could accomplish such a task, but me? time? HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!...man I'm crying myself silly.

I will try and most likely will fail miserably in redoing my logo/blog/templates/etc... I am not a tech html genius, nor do I own a digital program such as Photoshop.... be prepared to laugh (that is if I'm brave enough to show you my feeble attempt, lol).

In other news, I'm on the hunt for some local models to help me out... I have some wonderful models who live far away that I will be sending items out to, but for an upcoming project for spring I will need local around town models...ages 1 and up to about 8-10
I need to go find some willing to take pictures for my new adventure....

Otherwise, I'm working working working!! Minnie set is almost done, Guitar sets are done except for one shirt(ack, and the petticoat, waiting on the mail!), and I have a few orders I need to complete and ship out.
Then a Cinderella set, Ariel, set, Some spring sets, might do an Easter set...maybe...I usually always skip Easter, last year I made a set, but only sold the sample...just a holiday I wish wasn't so ruined by consumerism.... :( Really, all the fluffy bunnies and eggs makes me dizzy.
I feel better just by thinking I will skip Easter sets and just do spring/summer/Disney

As for other useless news.... my leprechaun still needs his clothes made, but I bought his cage the other day ;) now if I could only find a mini lounge chair, a mini goblet for his rum, and maybe an old vintage bunny ears and all tv (gotta give him something to do besides talk to me!) Yeah...he's gonna be great!

Want a sneak peek?......


Oh, and I forgot to post my gardening aprons here.... aren't they cute?!! Cheap too! Email me if interested.. landofjas@yahoo.com





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